Temple Of Dakka
One of the temples that were moved to the Wadi El-Sebua site is the Temple of Dakka. After the construction of the High Dam of Aswan, many temples were in danger of being submerged by the water of the Nile. With the help of UNESCO, the government took the initiative to save some of the most important monuments in the area at risk.

Where to find the Temple of Dakka?
The Temple of Dakka is located 100 km south of the High Dam and is considered to be in Nubia. Its new location is about 81 km away from its original one. Now, you can visit it while cruising Lake Nasser in the area of Wadi El-Sebua.
Who built Dakka Temple?
We still don’t have a final answer to this question; scholars have different opinions about who built the Temple of Dakka. Some scholars say it was built by Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis III during the 18th dynasty, as they found reused blocks from earlier structures built by them.
Other scholars suggest that it was built by the Nubian King Akamani, whom the Greeks called Ergamenes, in 220 BCE. Other opinions claim it was built during the Ptolemaic Period by Ptolemy II and other Greek Kings. So, we can’t really give a name or date for the construction of the Temple of Dakka.

Do the Temple of Dakka have other names ?
This Temple was initially thought to be dedicated to Horus, but later, it was built in dedication to Thoth, the God of Wisdom, which is why it is also called the Temple of Thoth. The Temple was also known as Pselqet to the ancient Egyptians and Pselichis to the Greeks.
Description of Dakka Temple
Dakka Temple is considered a small one. It consists of a façade, a 12 meter high Pylon from which you can have a magnificent view of the lake, a courtyard, and two sanctuaries. It is unique for its spiral staircase, which is the only one in any Nubian Temple. It is also oriented in an unusual way, in a north-to-south direction, in alignment with the Nile River.
The reliefs on the wall depict the Nubian king making offerings to the local gods of Aswan and Ptolemaic kings sacrificing to various Egyptian deities. They also display the Goddess of Aswan, Anqet, decorated with a feathered headdress, and the lion-headed goddess, Sekhmet. The Kings are depicted making offerings to God Thoth, as well as Isis and Tefnut.

What makes the visit to the Temple of Dakka unique?
Even if the Temple of Dakka is located in a lightly visited site, it is worth visiting. You can make this stop during your Lake Nasser cruise at the site of Wadi EL-Sebua. You’ll find the New Kingdom temple of “Valley of lions” and the Temple of Maharraqa.
It is also located about 1 Km north of the Temple of Ramses II. The Lake Nasser Cruise is a unique trip in Egypt for all history lovers and those who crave uniqueness. Every stop during this cruise is different from any other historical visit you made in Egypt.